Miriam Schapiro’s Road to Feminism

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Mira Schor reviews Miriam Schapiro, The California Years: 1967–1975 at Eric Firestone Loft (through March 20) and Miriam Schapiro, A Visionary at the National Academy Museum (through May 8). A panel discussion “Remembering Womanhouse,” featuring Kat Griefen, Mira Schor, and Faith Wilding, and moderated by Catherine J. Morris, will take place at the National Academy on March 23 at 6:30pm.

Schor concludes that these two shows "point to the need for more exhibitions of Schapiro’s work, including a more comprehensive retrospective that would give full due to the geometric hard-edge abstract paintings from her first truly mature period, and to those works from the mid to late ’70s that combine the compositional clarity and rigor of those abstract paintings with the feminine materials and feminist world of craft. The latter are the most ambitious in their hybridity of masculine formalism and feminine connotation and contingency…"

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