Monochrome / Duochrome: Thoughts on Color

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Katrina Blannin collects thoughts on color from a numner of artists including: Andrew Bick, Caterina Lewis, Clem Crosby, Dan Coombs, David Rhodes, Emma Biggs, Juan Bolivar, Karen David, Kate Terry, Kiera Bennett, Mali Morris, Selma Parlour, Simon Bill, Simon Callery, and Tom Benson.

In her introduction, Blannin writes of her interest in Iona Singh's argument that "we are losing touch with any meaningful connection with the materiality and facture of colour and our sensory perception… I would add to this the finite range of back lit colours that we are faced with on a daily basis on the computer or the TV – every colour starkly saturated and smoothed out: unmixed and de-materialised.: Blannin adds that the "contributions were gratefully received in the spirit of communal exchange. …I think it is evident that a great deal of serious ‘labour’ and ‘research’ is going on with regard to the creation of colour relationships and colour materiality, whether through systematisation, organisation or experimentation, and the artistic results are testament to this."

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