Odilon Redon: In Darkness & Light

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Courtney Wilder looks at Odilon Redon's lithographs. The print Lumière and ten prints from The Temptation of Saint Anthony are currently on view at The Getty Research Institute through September 2, 2012.

Wilder notes that in Lumière "the viewer becomes a double voyeur, left to contemplate the two small men in the foreground as well as the large meditative head outside the window that they seem to be discussing. Linked to dreams and imagination, Redon's subject illustrates his shared interest in the Symbolist's exploration of forces mystical, occult, and spiritual… Maybe the 'pensive head' (as Redon initially called the print) represents the illumination or light that the individual thinker can cast upon society. At the same time, this individual (and especially the artist, Redon may be saying by extension) must always exist outside the collective."

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