Out of Step

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Anne Russinof photo blogs a visit to the exhibition Out of Step at New Jersey City University, Harold B. Lemmerman Gallery, on view through November 7, 2013. The show, curated by Brendan Carroll, features works by Sharon L. Butler, Mark Dagley, Enrico Gomez, Tom McGlynn, Gary Petersen, Kati Vilim, and Sara Wolfe.

Curartor Carroll writes that the show is "an informal survey of current practices in abstract painting. The artists may vary in style, subject matter, temperament, and conceptual framework, but they are unified by their no-nonsense approach to painting. Most of the work on view presents simple geometric shapes that are executed in broad expanses of pure color. From cerebral to laid-back, the artists explore line, value, color, and texture in their compositions. Despite the works’ superficial differences, each piece, however minimal, reveals the touch of the artist’s hand. For the artists in the show, paint is a means to an end, not the end. Abstraction, likewise, is not a cul-de-sac, but a living, breathing means of visual communication."

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