Painter Painter: Reframing a Medium

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Julie Caniglia interviews Eric Crosby and Bartholomew Ryan, co-curators of the exhibition Painter Painter at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, on view from February 2–October 27, 2013.

Crosby comments that there is "something about the resolute materiality of painting that continues to attract artists. These are objects that follow deeply subjective and individual ways of thinking, as expressed through specific materials. In this show you will see works that are stained, collaged, sprayed, cut up, stitched, assembled, glued, smeared, rubbed, and so on— some works are years in the making. Painting offers a frame for contact with this very physical presence. It’s a vivid contrast with our daily routine, where we experience so many images by using a cursor, linking to them, altering them, navigating away from them. Painting resists this kind of experience. A lot of artists today embrace that notion to an extreme. They go where the materials take them, not where the history of painting tells them to go. "

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