Painting in the 2.5th Dimension

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John Bunker reviews the exhibition Painting in the 2.5th Dimension at the Zabludowicz Collection, London, on view through August 11, 2013. The show features works by Tauba Auerbach, Jessica Dickinson, Sam Falls, Alex Hubbard, Nathan Hylden, Rosy Keyser, Ned Vena, and Michael E. Smith.

Bunker writes: "It’s always interesting to see how different generations of artists reinterpret the art movements and artists of the past. Our fascinations for particular times, periods and people feed into our present preoccupations, needs, wants and fears. Not only are some of the artists in this show working with abstract painting’s shifting relationships with different media, they are negotiating the dimensions and distressed surfaces of the former church which houses the Zabludowicz Collection… The extra 0.5 of a dimension we get in this show is not so much about the protrusions of the paintings from their surfaces or the wall. Instead it’s an historical dimension and concerned with how other media (mostly photography and the impact of context and site) rebounds on the painting process here in the 21st century."

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