Painting on the Lower East Side

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William Eckhardt Kohler reviews several group shows on the Lower East Side including: Drifter, curated by David Rhodes at Hionas Gallery (through January 11), Come Like Shadows at Zurcher Studio (through February 16), Clouds, organized by Adam Simon at Lesley Heller Workspace (through January 26t), and It Hurts So Good to Be Loved So Bad, curated by Geoffrey Young at Brian Morris Gallery (through January 18).

Kohler writes that the shows are connected by a sense of the "in-between," writing that "while pluralism in art is not anything like a new idea, it seems that this is one of those periods of art when, outside some passing fashions, it would be difficult to identify any dominant movement. There is a great deal of lively and generous work being made and shown today that crosses lines and exists in between historical polarities."

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