Paintings & Painted Objects on the LES

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Paul Behnke photo blogs several shows of paintings and painted objects currently on view on the Lower East Side including: Peter Acheson: Rusted Giacometti at Novella Gallery (through November 17), Lester Johnson: Dark Paintings at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects (through November 17), Rebecca Smith: Interference at Hionas Gallery (through November 24), Tatiana Kronberg: . . . And there's my marble double at Cuchifritos Gallery + Project Space (through November 10), Ryan McLaughlin: Raisins at Laurel Gitlen (through December 22), Sadie Laska: Sarojane at Kerry Schuss/ K.S. Art (through December 1), and Physical Property featuring works by Craig Fisher, Gerald Kackson, Marthe Keller, Jim Lee, Stephen Maine, Bonnie Rychlak, and Leslie Wayne at Brian Morris Gallery (through December 7).

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