Retro Painting

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Mark Stone muses on painting in an age where innovation of the medium is no longer possible.

Stone writes that "the absolute truth is that we can not do anything more to painting. The 600 or so years of Western painting has gone full circle. It's ALL been done – from a to z. And after the excesses of the 20th Century upon the body of painting what we are left with is the horror of a recombinant corpse… We've unstretched it, hung it like laundry, ripped it to pieces, sewn it back together, unpainted, anti-painted, photo-painted… Yet all of that nervous desperation to get to the last painting or the Ur-Painting is unsatisfying to those of us who love the medium, its history and possibility, but remain unwilling to join the current Postmodern monolith or the reactionary academics."

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