Sarah Awad: The Women

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Eve Wood reviews the recent exhibition Sarah Awad: The Women at Diane Rosenstein Fine Art, Los Angeles.

Wood writes: "For this show, Awad's paintings are divided into two groups: large-scale female nudes and landscapes. Yet, compositionally, these two distinct categories are at once blurred though vaguely connected through space and movement. In Untitled Reclining Women (2013), for example, the landscape surrounding the women interrupts the literal physical space of their bodies, pulsing forward yet simultaneously receding. This effect suffuses all the work in the exhibition creating the experience of a journey through color, space and shape, rather than a set of distinctly articulated separate images. Untitled (Glacier V) (2013) visually conflates the natural landscape with the physicality of the human form as though the central yellow shape at the heart of the image was a woman reclining on a couch, yet it also 'reads' as a disrupted, jagged imaginative structure that appears to be shifting."

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