Sigrid Sandström: Viewfinders

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Joshua Fischer reviews the exhibition Sigrid Sandström: Viewfinders at Inman Gallery, Houston, Texas, on view through February 16, 2013.

Fischer writes: "Meticulously done in smooth layers of acrylic paint on board or panel, Sandström overlaps irregular shapes, thin masking tape lines and controlled swathes of squeegeed, smeared paint. Imagine the push/pull of Hans Hoffman, the mechanical/gestural stroke of Gerhard Richter and the compositions of Russian Suprematism all absorbed by Sandström and made fresh through deft handling and a unique compositional sense. These reference points are simply to help describe the work though, and the paintings do not rely on appropriating past styles or a conceptual framework to guide the viewer along. Instead, I enjoyed them more for their immediate graphic punch and with longer viewing, their formal complexities."

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