Stuart Shils: Presence & Memory

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Stuart Shils comments on his recent work which includes painted photographs. These works will be on view at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, New York from November 19 – December 21, 2014.

Shils writes that "in the takeaway moments with the camera (as with drawing), there is also the slower turning around to see what happened within that glimpse, and then the possibility of reinterrogation and mulling it over, as in Wordsworth’s line about poetry as 'emotion recollected in tranquility.' So that’s the part about presence, related to what’s right in front of my eyes. But then comes the other side – memory, and here I mean using the memory of other people whose work I care about. How does their art find its way into the sustained and evolving imagination? Maybe that’s what these small acrylic paintings on top of photographs are digging at, the residue of memory as improvisational studio play, acrylic paint on top of staged photographs that riff off the relationship of early Italian paintings and blocks of painted wood."

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