Ted Gahl: Interview

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Corydon Cowansage interviews painter Ted Gahl on the occasion of the exhibition Ted Gahl: Sundays (Like the Brightest Light in the Theatre Shining On An Empty Stage) at DODGE Gallery, New York, on view from January 11 — February 23, 2014.

Asked about using non-traditional materials in paintings Gahl comments "it's… that funny question of 'Painting?': Is it a painting? What is good painting? What is bad painting? What is painting that you do on a barn that you get paid for versus painting that goes on a canvas that you show in a gallery? And the bigger question of what is it all for (making all these things)? I’ve been trying to pare things down to mostly just painting and painting objects, and not going too crazy with materials. When you’re doing stuff like this you have to sit down at the end of the day and ask yourself, 'What do I respond to? What am I really obsessed with?'. For me, it’s painting. That’s what I’ve always responded to the most."

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