The London Group: 1913-1963

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Ana McNay reviews the exhibiton Uproar! The first 50 years of The London Group 1913-1963 at the Ben Uri Museum and Gallery, London, on view through March 2, 2014.

McNay writes that the exhibition "celebrates the first 50 years of the group –which still exists today… In 50 works by 50 artists, it moves through these 50 years, encompassing a variety of styles and movements, including the Camden Town Group roots; the controversy of the early (particularly the first world war) years; the Bloomsbury domination of the 20s; the continual strong showing of Jewish and women artists; its official war artists; some avant-garde sculptors; and the contribution of specific artistic groups, ranging from the Vorticists to the Surrealists, Abstract-Creationists and the Euston Road School. The exhibition overall is a riot of colour, content and style, displaying some of the greatest British art of the early 20th century."

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