The Painter of Modern Life

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Sharon Butler blogs about the exhibition The Painter of Modern Life, organized by Bob Nickas at Anton Kern, New York, on view through April 11, 2015. The show includes work by Nathaniel Axel, Lisa Beck, Sadie Benning, Sascha Braunig, Alex Brown, Mathew Cerletty, Wayne Gonzales, Joanne Greenbaum, Daniel Hesidence, Mamie Holst, Cannon Hudson, Chip Hughes, Xylor Jane, Robert Janitz, Erik Lindman, Nikholis Planck, David Ratcliff, Nicolas Roggy, Ivan Seal, Richard Tinkler, and Stanley Whitney.

Butler writes that the exhibition is "a visual essay that seems to focus directly on the mind space created when we are on the Internet. Many of the artists in this show may still refer to art historical-materials found on the web, but what makes their work so distinctive is their effort to visualize how it feels to spend so much time in a virtual world."

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