Lane Cooper reviews the exhibition Hold the Wall: A Painting Exhibition, curated by Dan Tranberg, at Cleveland State University, on view through June 22, 2013. The show features paintings by Timothy Callaghan, Matthew Childers, Seth Chwas, Harris Johnson, Julie Langsam, Adam Markanovik, Mike Meier, Erik Neff, Dana Oldfather, George Schroeder, C. M. Sikon, Sarah Sutton, Molly Walker, Royden Watson, Tommy White, and Nikki Woods.
Cooper writes that "All of these artists have ties to the area and represent a snapshot of Cleveland’s 'Painting Dialogue.' Their work highlights those interests which drive the current Cleveland / world Painting scene. These works play with slippages between first assumptions and real seeing. Each piece demands extended viewing time to fully 'get it.' None of them offer immediate consumption."