Valerie Jaudon @ Von Lintel Gallery

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Peter Frank reviews the recent exhibition Valerie Jaudon: Ways And Means at Von Lintel Gallery, Los Angeles.

Frank writes: “Jaudon has consistently relied on a simple compositional formula based entirely on line. Indeed, her painting starkly betrays P&D’s minimalist roots in the movement’s original strategy, you might say, of overcoming Minimalism’s clarity and obduracy by co-opting it. Jaudon’s evident formal source in architecture also ties her work to minimalist values; but where Minimalism responded to architectural experience in terms of object and space, Jaudon’s painting reconsiders architecture as surface and as contour, emphasizing its relationship to embellishment and even calligraphy. Islamic architecture, in particular, continues to fire Jaudon’s imagination after all these years.”

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