What is 21st Century Space?

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Mark Stone recaps an ongoing debate on his blog about developing space in 21st century abstract painting and sculpture.

Stone concludes: "… what is space at this stage of abstraction’s development? Is it possible for painting to move ahead (or backward) to a different kind of space and would that include abstraction? Can painting rework the Modern legacy of those early years of the 20th Century and find a different idea of what space might look like here in the 21st Century? Can a figurative space exist with abstraction? As Robin [Greenwod] and Martin [Mugar] stated, there were a lot of ideas left unexplored in the work of Matisse and Cezanne, (and I might add Picasso) ideas about space, form and composition that were never developed in the Modern Century. And I have to ask once again – is it possible to make abstract painting without the Modern legacy and what would that look like?"

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