William Perehudoff (1919 – 2013)

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John McLean remembers painter William Perehudoff (1919 – 2013).

McLean writes: "John Golding’s book 'Paths to the Absolute' traces the numinous aspects of abstract painting from their beginnings in the works of Kandinsky, Malevich, and Mondrian to the development of those qualities in the paintings of the Americans Pollock, Newman, Rothko and Still. Perehudoff’s work fits into the kind of epiphanic painting characterised by Golding. … I cannot think of any other artist who rang so many changes on colour: light hues, dark hues, primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary and so on… dissonances and harmonies, thick paint and thin, sometimes all on the same canvas, with an exquisite sense of placement. And all this without ever losing tension across the painting."

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