Without an Edge There is No Middle

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Andy Parkinson reviews the exhibtion the exhibition Without an Edge There is no Middle at Pluspace, Coventry, UK, on view through September 8, 2013. The show features works by Katrina Blannin, Julian Brown, Gordon Dalton, Andrew Graves, Terry Greene, Mark Kennard, Hannah Knox, Mali Morris, Joanna Phelps, Dan Roach, David Ryan, Andrew Seto, and David Webb.

Parkinson writes that the exhibition "captures, if just for a moment, that determined if sometimes gradual, pushing out towards the edge of what painting can be and do. No longer a 'progression' as it might once have seemed, and inevitably including repetition or recommencement, there is also a faltering 'progress' of sorts, a wending of different ways towards one end."

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