Elliott Green

Elliott Green @ Pierogi
Hamptons Art Hub

Peter Malone reviews Elliott Green: Human Nature at Pierogi Gallery, New York, through March 26, 2017. Malone writes: “What’s unique about Elliott Green is how he strides confidently right over the rumbling fracture. Brandishing all manner of surface gymnastics, he takes the staid genre of landscape painting and puts it through a gantlet of techniques […]

Elliott Green: The Painter of Continuous Motion
New York Review of Books

Jana Prikryl writes about the paintings of Elliott Green which are on view at Pierogi Gallery, New York, through March 26, 2017. Prikryl begins: “Elliott Green’s paintings appear to be in continuous motion, the way animals, plants, and ultimately rocks and mountains are in continuous motion, even when our human vision fails to apprehend it. […]

Outside In: 5 Painters @ Steven Harvey

John Yau reviews Outside In at Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects, on view through December 31, 2016. The show features works by Andrea Belag, Susanna Coffey, Elliott Green, Stephanie Pierce, and Eleanor Ray Yau writes: “I am thankful for the nameless sensations and wild associations these paintings stirred up. The pleasures they offer are real, […]