Clyfford Still: “Pure Painting”

[VIDEO] Clyfford Still: A Life in Paintings preview featuring artist Frank Stella discussing Clyfford Still’s originality. Produced and directed by A bark K Productions and the Milkhaus

[This is the second post in a series celebrating the November 18, 2011 opening of the Clyfford Still Museum in Denver, Colorado. View the first post here.]

The video above is the second preview of a documentary about Clyfford Still that will air this fall on Rocky Mountain PBS.  The preview includes a first hand account of Still’s 1939 art history class at Washington State as well as the artist Frank Stella’s comments on Still’s enduring originality.  As Stella notes in the film:

“There’s always a lot of talk… about painting and the problems of painting. It’s as though those problems exist and will continue to exist, but in some magic way they never existed for Still because it’s a kind of pure painting, and the effort and the paintings that were created reached a really high level, in a certain sense, almost effortlessly, and with a kind of originality that you can’t duplicate.”

Teaser photo credit: Clyfford Still in his studio, 1973, Photo: Sandra Still Campbell, Estate of Clyfford Still, source: The Art Newspaper

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