Painters’ Table Top Posts of 2010

Brett Baker

Started with the idea that there is a magazine about painting created everyday on the web, we are thrilled to say this has proved to be true. It is inspiring to see so many artists and critics writing daily about painting.  In a month and a half Painters’ Table has been able to send more than 2,000 visits to more than 100 artist blogs and art websites.  In 2011 we hope to drive even more traffic to bloggers while creating a comprehensive, enjoyable web publication about painting.

Painters’ Table is less than two months old and we are thrilled by the response to the site.  Thanks to all who have visited, submitted blogs, joined the email lists,  “liked” Painters’ Table on Facebook and followed the site on RSS and Twitter.  Special thanks to all of the bloggers who have featured Painters’ Table and added the site to their blogrolls.  We hope everyone will continue to blog, to enjoy and to share Painters’ Table in 2011.

In the spirit of year-end round-ups and “best of” lists … we give you the 10 most popular posts on Painters’ Table so far …

Are Artists Bored by Their Work?  James Elkins, Huffington Post
Persistent Slowness of the Painter’s Eye Slow Muse
Robert Walser's Microscripts  Painters’ Table Blog
Rackstraw Downes’s Onsite Paintings Artes Magazine
Kimber Smith  The Silo
John Hoyland Interview  Abstract Painting England
Studio Visits: 10 Paintings, 10 Studios John Seed, Huffington Post
In Studio with Catherine Kehoe  Jerusalem Studio School Blog
Budd Hopkins: Art, Life and UFO's  The Artblog
Margrit Lewczuk: Humorous, Self- aware Visionary  Two Coats of Paint

Enjoy and have a Happy New Year!

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