Welcome to Painters’ Table!

by Brett Baker,

After spending years searching for and reading blog posts about painting I had the idea to create a website where visitors could grab links to the best painting posts of the day. I thought it was a great idea – that was over a year ago. I built the site and privately tinkered with various functionalities and ways of organizing content. Long story short – I read a great (non-painting) blog post last week about getting it out the door and so I did. Painters’ Table is live and one week old!

Thanks to those of you who have already visited the site, suggested blogs, joined the email list and shown your support on Facebook and Twitter. I hope to grow Painters’ Table into a real resource for anyone interested in painting. Feedback makes websites better so please visit the contact form and share your suggestions on what kind of painting content and/or blogs interest(s) you.

Painters' Table blog, launched November 2010.
Painters' Table blog, launched November 2010.