Search Results for: Register
Jo Baer: In the Land of the Giants
James Cahill reviews the exhibition Jo Baer: In the Land of the Giants at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, on view through September 1, 2013. Cahill writes: "Indeed, the exhibition reminds us that wandering, whether between continents or representational modes, has been a defining aspect of Baer’s life. Over a career spanning seven decades, Baer has […]
Painting on the Cusp
Thomas Micchelli reviews the exhibition Reinventing Abstraction curated by Raphael Rubinstein at Cheim & Read, New York, on view through August 30, 2013. Examining the show in the context of curator Rubinstein's previous critical interests (particularly Rubinstein's coining of the term 'provisional painting') Micchelli writes that "the genome of this generation of post-minimal abstractionists, who […]
Jeff Elrod & Jeremy DePrez
Debra Barrera reviews the exhibition Jeff Elrod and Jeremy DePrez: Fantasy Island at Texas Gallery, Houston, on view through July 6, 2013. Barrera writes: "Elrod’s and DePrez’s works don’t fuse together… Yet, the juxtaposition amplifies each artist’s strengths. Elrod’s meticulous surfaces and precise color choices are undeniable, while DePrez’s sincerity is emphasized next to Elrod’s […]
Xstraction at The Hole
Thomas Micchelli reviews Xstraction at The Hole, New York. The exhibition features work by 32 contemporary abstract painters. Michelli writes that "there are only a few paintings here that are startling in their originality, but despite their sheen of newness, their relationship to antecedents is very much in evidence. This is not a criticism; to […]
Cora Cohen: Divine Madness
William Eckhardt Kohler reviews the exhibition Cora Cohen: The Responsibility of Forms at Guided By Invoices, New York, on view through March 16th, 2013. Kohler writes: "The resonant quiet of [Cohen's] work allows the viewer to contemplate and appreciate the various moves and counter moves that the artist chooses. First, she usually chooses to stretch […]
A Conversation With Patrick Jones
Over the course of a long career, Jones has developed a rich visual language and applied his rigorous, abstract process to a wide range of interests from Dogon carvings to political injustice.
Jackie Saccoccio: Portraits
David Rhodes reviews a recent exhibition of paintings by Jackie Saccoccio at Eleven Rivington, New York. Rhodes writes: "Saccoccio's Portraits, abstract works that make clear an anthropomorphic intention, engage with an ongoing idea in painting… in which each work stands in for a face, the differences manifested through changes in color combinations. Saccoccio’s paintings are such an […]
Beverly Fishman: Deceptive Pleasures
Donald Kuspit reviews the exhibition Beverly Fishman at Galerie Richard, New York, on view through January 28, 2012. Kuspit writes that Fishman's "patterns are transcriptions of EKG, EEG, and neuron spike readouts, with some bar codes thrown in to add a social measure to the disembodied bodily data. And, for good measure, some of the […]
Kayla Mohammadi: Interview
“My paintings start from observation. I use seeing as a way to structure my painting. I can always go back to observation in my work if the paintings aren’t working.”
Head in the Clouds
Slate Arts
Slate’s Christopher Benfey considers Constable’s cloud paintings and the artist’s possible motivations for painting them. Benfey writes: “They seem, in fact, to register quite distinct aesthetic programs, as though what Constable is classifying isn’t clouds at all, but rather whole schools of painting, along with their dominant moods. The best analogy may be Chopin’s Etudes, […]