Sarah Faux: Merging Sensibilities

Michael Rutherford blogs about paintings by Sarah Faux.

Rutherford writes: “There’s been much said about how abstraction is very prevalent in contemporary painting these days, but there are those who are producing some wonderful work in a unique figurative vein as well, with precedence found in artists such as George McNeil and Amy Sillman. The paintings of Sarah Faux are an example of the type of painterly figuration that I’ve been excited about lately. Is it abstraction dropping hints at reality, or a merging of those sensibilities that cause me to step back and consider the psychology at play in her work? Anyway, Faux’s paintings are some of the most slippery figurative pieces to be found. It’s as though each one is a snapshot of a dream sequence–fugitive images in a fugue state that trigger thoughts about the humanity of the matter they so loosely depict.”