Painters’ Table Most Popular Posts: February

Brett Baker

February 2011, a month that saw a preponderance of painting exhibitions in New York also produced some instantly classic painting blog posts. Don’t miss David Reed’s riveting remembrance of Philip Guston at the New York Studio School, painter Sean Scully filmed at work in his studio, a collection of historic interviews with painter Louis Finkelstein, or James Elkin’s close look at ‘unfinished’ paintings.

As well as looking back, the monthly most popular post is a chance to look forward.  Painters’ Table will launch a new section soon, tentatively called “Artist to Artist,” to highlight the great interviews happening on artist blogs. More exciting changes are also in store to provide more community features so please stay tuned for those!

Finally thank you for continuing to support Painters’ Table through blog submissions, Facebook “Likes” and comments, and tweets (and re-tweets).

Enjoy February’s top ten most popular painting blog posts on Painters’ Table below:

Paint As You Like And Die Happy
Philip Guston: Soul Beating
Lois Dodd with John Yau
When is a Painting Finished?
Building Up Layers
Jon Pestoni at Lisa Cooley
Louis Finkelstein: Painterly Observation
In the Tonalist Mood
Sean Scully: Creative Innocence
Pat Steir at Cheim & Read

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