Carmen Herrera: A Passionate Visual Idiom

Image coming soon.

David Carrier reviews Carmen Herrera: Lines of Sight at the Whitney Museum of American Art, on view through January 2, 2017.

Carrier concludes: “… because this relatively small exhibition, which certainly doesn’t present her entire career, or even, so I imagine, identify her starting point, offers such a limited selection of her art, it’s impossible to offer a confident, critical evaluation… We are left hungry for more insights into her situation within the Parisian art world. And much more information about how exactly she found herself in New York in the 1950s. This is neither a complaint about this exhibition nor a criticism of the artist, but rather, a plea for a fuller show and, also, for a more complete presentation of the historical context in which she developed. But a long journey must start somewhere, and this show is a welcome first step.”